drone training
Drone training and examination
If you fly a drone with a take-off weight of 250 g or more, you are required to complete training and pass an exam. The scope and format of the training and exam depend on the subcategory (A1, A2, A3) in which you operate your drone. The dLIS portal of the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) is Switzerland’s official training and examination platform.
Would you like to acquire the necessary knowledge through a course? Join the courses offered by Vertical Master. Their offerings include training for various industries, such as construction, inspection, photogrammetry, thermography, and more.
Good luck answering the 35 questions!
The SAFEDroneFlying online test includes questions on European legislation. Use this opportunity to prepare for the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) exams free of charge.
Answer current exam questions online! If you get at least 70% correct answers, you will receive a test evaluation and a confirmation. There is only one correct answer per question. During the test you can open another page to check your answer. You can delete your profile at any time.