
Exam preparation - Competency certificate A1/A3 & Remote pilot certificate A2

The SAFEDroneFlying online test includes questions on European legislation. Take the opportunity to prepare for the exam (Certificate of Competence A1/A3 and remote pilot certificate A2) at the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) with our free test.

Solve the 35 important questions in dealing with drones! If you have answered at least 70 percent correctly, you will receive your confirmation. Only one answer is correct at a time. During the test, you can go to another page to check your answer. When you return, you will automatically continue from where you left the test. You can delete your profile at any time.


The test examination includes the following subjects:


test confirmation


Good Lock!

01  Aviation Regulations

02  Air Safety

03  Human Performance

04  Operational Procedures

05  Drone General Knowledge

06  Privacy and data protection

07  Insurance

08  Security

09  Meteorology

10  Flight performance

11  Mitigations Ground Risk